Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Playing the Mini Crossword Together

I'm in a group text with four buddies I've known since the mid 1990s. We've always been competitive. When we get together for reunions we've competed in Bocce, Pickleball, Wiffle ball, and the art/sport of Talking Shit. We've mellowed out in middle-age. Currently we post our scores on the New York Times mini crossword to our chat. We've competed every day in May. For fun I've started keeping track of the daily winner. It's a fun way to stay in touch. Robert Putnam wrote about the decline of social capital in Bowling Alone. I like how texting and sharing crossword times is a form of social capital in our peer group. We celebrate the accomplishments of our kids and post pics when we travel. It's easily a group of guys I could've lost touch with years ago, but texting and new ways of having fun have helped us stay together. 

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