Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Sociological Song - Love Canal

Having been born and raised in Niagara Falls, NY, I've always been interested in Love Canal. Fortunately I lived in neighborhoods not impacted by the Love Canal disaster caused by chemicals dumped by Hooker Chemical Corporation. It wasn't until this year, at the age of 51, that I learned there's a song called Love Canal, by Flipper

Last month, PBS aired "Poisoned Ground: The Tragedy at Love Canal." 

Here are some articles and another video if you're not familiar with Love Canal...

From homemaker to hell-raiser in Love Canal 

Residents say Love Canal chemicals continue to make them sick (PBS News Hour story from 2018) 

Lois Gibbs Love Canal Papers

Extraordinary Lives - Lois Gibbs (11 minutes video) 

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