Friday, October 10, 2014

Enjoying Life as a Soccer Parent

I truly enjoy my life as a soccer parent. I never played soccer as a kid. Back in the day in Niagara Falls, we played baseball, street hockey, basketball and football. Soccer wasn't popular in my peer group. I still don't understand all the rules of the game. But it is a beautiful sport to watch.

My 6-year-old son played baseball this summer. He had fun with his teammates and was proud when he made good plays, but the games dragged on for hours and he would get tired and frustrated. Some of the other kids seemed to love being at the ballpark. There were times my son seemed to merely be tolerating it. I take no joy in watching my son be joyless.

Soccer appears to be a different story. By all indications he seems to love playing soccer. He loves practicing and playing. And that makes it fun for me. Watching Troy play soccer on Saturdays has become the highlight of my weekends. Watching him having fun and loving life is a wonderful feeling.

Here is a picture of my kids at the soccer park together:

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