Thursday, October 7, 2021

Good for Me, I Stopped Watching Cable News

Where does one turn if intensely interested in politics? For me, it was convenient to fall into a habit of watching cable news. So much cable news. Years of listening to pundits and bullshit. Knowing all of the contributors and seeing what directions channels took to secure viewers. Noticing endless hours spent on some topics with next to no time spent on other topics. But still, I tuned in, because I follow politics, and cable news is where you can catch some coverage of some aspects of politics and society. 

We all know that each station caters to different views, and taps into particular politics, and each channel drives home a narrative for days and weeks at a time. You follow politics like sports and choose a team and come to dislike or even hate your opponent. 

In late 2020 following the presidential election I tapped out. I couldn't take it anymore. I had watched too much cable news and was sick of it. I decided to stop caring about talking heads and to not care about who said what and stopped paying attention to daily controversies. I still care about politics and I'll never stop wanting to know about politics and society. I don't need cable news as part of my information gathering. It was never the case that I was entirely dependent on cable news, but it did take up too much of my diet. 

I'm not a better person since I stopped watching. I don't sleep any better. I just stopped watching something that wasn't worth watching anymore. I wish I had stopped sooner. The sun still looks the same, I still like trees, but I didn't gain extra appreciation for nature or life or my loved ones. I did cut out a lot of bullshit and I'm not told by a TV station what to think about or how long to think about it and that's good for me. 


We're all exhausted, right?

Last fall I was teaching class in my bedroom using Google Meet, with my kids in their bedrooms doing school remotely.

This fall we're back in the routine of going to school.

I didn't miss the commute. 

I'm an early bird so I teach M/W/F. I teach three classes beginning at 9:00 and ending at 12:05. I leave the house by 7:20 a.m. 

Yesterday after finishing class I was in my office for office hours until 2:15. I then went to the grocery store on my way home. The kids came home on the bus. 

My wife got home at 4:45 from work. I was making dinner having just finished taking in a meeting on Zoom, camera off. 

Our 13-year-old had a soccer game at 7:30 at a school thirty minutes away. It's required he take the bus with his team to the game, but then he can be driven home. I dropped him off at school by 6:00 and went early to where the game was, sitting in my car, doing class prep, trying to get ahead a bit. My wife ran errands with our 10-year-old and mowed the lawn.

The game ended at 9:00 p.m. I don't think my son's team managed a shot on goal. I lost track of the score but the other team scored close to 10 goals. They've lost every game except one this season. I stopped counting the losses but it's been a lot of them. It hurts to see your kid's team lose so much.

We drove home and chatted and listened to a Sirius XMU session with José González. We got home at 9:30. I had a beer and popcorn while talking with my wife until 11:00, then crashed. I was up around 3:00 after a weird dream in which I was forced to be involved in a drug deal. I took to the couch, looked at my phone, and read "The Myth of Asian American Identity" by Jay Caspian Kang. It was probably around 4:00 that I fell back asleep until 6:00. 

My head hurts and I don't know whether I'm under or over caffeinated. In any case, I'm going to make more coffee and see what I can make of this way, and see what this day becomes.

Class Prep

Back in graduate school when I was a teaching assistant, I remember asking a professor how long it took him to prepare for class. "About 10 minutes," he said. I didn't understand. I was in the process of learning how to put classes together myself, and each session for an Intro course would take me several hours to prepare. Sometimes it would take all day. How in the world could someone stand up there for an hour in front of students with only 10 minutes prep? It helped that he'd been teaching the course forever, so he would take his already prepared notes and review them before class. Observing him as his assistant, I could see him go off the cuff and comfortably field questions from students. He'd taught this material 100 times before. 

I get bored easily. I can't teach the same material over and over. I retool and update my courses constantly. So I'm not in the practice of reusing one set of notes each time I teach a course I've taught before. But I do have lots of notes that I can work from when doing class prep. I still start from scratch, often, but I also can count on a library of examples and notes that have worked well before. 

The main thing for me these days, when possible, is to finish my class prep as early in the day as I can. When teaching on a M/W/F schedule, as I'm doing this semester, I try to have my class prepped the prior day as early as possible. That way I can spend portions of the rest of the day thinking about how I'm going to teach the material and thinking about new questions to ask. It's less about the feeling of being overprepared with more notes than I need. It's more about thinking how I can present the material in a way that will engage students. And it's always about composing questions in my head that I think students will be interested in answering. 

I'm thankful to my students for always inspiring me with questions of their own, and for supplying me with new examples to consider. Even while teaching these days masked up with a sweaty face and struggling to hear students in the back of the room, it's a joy to establish connection with students and to see them thinking through the material.